Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Blogging at UM

UM can't resist the blogging wave. Here are a few UM bloggers I found using Technorati's Cosmos:

@ UM Students Community on LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/community/um_canes/
@ Professor Michael Fromkin (UM School of Law) -- Discourse.net: On the fringes of the public sphere (the only UM professor with a blog, as far as I know)
@ Ray Uzwyshyn (Webmaster, Web Services Librarian) -- Richter Library Web Services Dream Design: This weblog focuses on the University of Miami Richter Library's website and strategies for thinking about 'visionary' possibilities for web services. It encourages 'dreaming' about 'academic library' information architectures so that dreams become reality and Richter sets the model for a next generation of academic library web services
@ Journals from the Road -- a weblog maintained by UM School of Communication professors and students working in The Water Project, a "thoughtful and provocative media endeavors aimed at public education about the crisis facing the availability of clean and safe water in today's world"
@ Matthew Stein (Law student) -- schteino.com: Life as a 1L: Neither Fish Nor Flesh Nor Good Red Herring
@ The Scarlet Left: The life and times of an angry, young liberal
@ The Wesley Foundation at UM

A pre-blogmania weblog of a (current) student at UM: intellectualized, started back in 1998. Wow.


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